domingo, 15 de março de 2009

Humanity is not to be trusted.

This was a really harsh conclusion for me to make. A very painful conclusion. Because you know I used to have this theory that "There are no strangers. Only friends you haven't met yet." When to a certain degree that's true... But it's just not that simple. You cannot trust humanity. I mean why do you think we have locks on our doors? Alarms in our cars? Guns in our holsters? Cops on our streets? Passwords on our bank accounts? If we trusted humanity... If humanity was trustworthy, do you think these things would exist?

People might disagree with me. People may say I'm looking at the glass half empty. People might say that people are intrinsically good. I do agree! In the movie 'Love Actually', I loved the introduction. About how on September 11, all the people at the airports were calling their families and friends out of love and a genuine concern and empathy. I mean, we were all cute babies once. Even the worst murdering sadistic rapist alive was once a cute innocent little baby who you would never think could eventually be capable of such despicable atrocity. Even our worst enemies were once carried by mothers who loved them enough to feed them and take care of them. I mean, even if you do nothing to a baby but feed him/her and change his/her diapers. If you just let the baby sit there in the crib without giving him/her constant contact and love by touching and holding him/her, the baby will die. Babies can't survive on just food alone. They need love. So just the simple fact that someone is still alive means that somebody loved them enough to keep them alive for so long. So humanity isn't all bad. But that's not my point...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, this is the world we live in. If you are swimming in the ocean and see a shark swimming after you, you don't ask the shark : "Why Mr. Shark!? Why did you eat my arms and my legs and my babies?! You horrible horrible douche! Let's have an argument! You and me Mr. Shark! I'll give out the opening statement!"
You don't ask or question why. In the same way that you don't question why we have to have locks on our doors, or alarms in our cars, or police in our streets. I mean, it's a shark. Sharks are stupid. It's what they do. Sharks WILL kill. There is absolutely nothing you can do about that. But there is one thing you CAN do: Stay away from the sharks! It's a huge ocean out there. But even so, avoiding sharks completely is eventually impossible. Not just sharks, but we're going to run into other fucker douche bag fish, like jelly fish and piranha and electric eel and all that. But that doesn't mean we have to stay out of the water. There are so many things to do out in the ocean, like scuba, and snorkel and jet ski, and surf. We can't let a bunch of douche bag fish take that away from us...


Um comentário:

puneet disse...

interesting post. we are animals, doesn't matter that we are social. when two lion prides confront each other they don't greet them as brothers....the alpha lion fights the other alpha lion for the pride...and the lionesses. but humans ARE generally kind and "humane". if you have to blame someone, blame the media. blame the complacent/megalomaniac politicians who let hilter roam free and then ended up in cold war...which gave birth to osama.....but humans are kind. go to canada. or come to any small town/village in india and you will find that locks are unheard of.